Monday, July 6, 2009

Initial Team Assignments for Upcoming National and International Moots

Initial Team Assignments for Upcoming Moot Season, 2009-2010

The following are brief descriptions of the external moot competitions that the Faculty of Law intends to compete in over the upcoming year as well initial team assignments for these competitions. All selections have been made by the Moot Programme Director.
The selections are based on past experience and dedication to the moot programme, performance in the UCU Intra-University Moot, academic performance, and demonstrated ability to speak in the class room setting.

The Philip Jessup International Moot Competition: Only one team from Uganda may participate in the International Moot Competition that takes place each March in Washington D.C. If additional teams from Uganda register for this competition there will be a national competition in order to select a Ugandan representative. The initial team members for the UCU Jessup Team are as follows:

Manzi Moses
Amanyire Justus
Kyamimpa Judy
Matsiko Samuel
(One additional female team member to be selected from the rising third year female, September Intake)

APILU and ULSSO International Human Rights Moot Court Competition: UCU can select one team of two students to participate in the APILU/ULSSO Moot. This Moot is to take place on Friday, 18th September 2009 at Makerere University. The initial team members for the UCU Jessup Team are as follows:

Sewalli Alexandria
Tinuoye Funso

The Uganda National Moot Competition on International Humanitarian Law: UCU is guaranteed one spot in the Uganda National Moot Competition. There is a possibility that a second team will be permitted to compete depending on the participation of other law programmes in Uganda. Therefore two teams have been named. There will be competition in Kampala on Friday, 16th October 2009. If a team from UCU wins the competition that team will advance to participate in an East African IHL competition in Arusha Tanzania in Late November. The initial team members are as follows:

Team 1:
Afoyorworth Winnie
Mollo Kenneth
Iguma Gabriel

Team 2:
Kasula Racheal
Murangira Hillary
Onyait Perez

Rwanda Moot Competition: Rwanda has begun an International Moot Court Competition focusing on issues of Human Rights. If there is a Competition in May term of 2010 the initial team members are as follows:

Kahunde Claire
Ahimbisibwe Federiko

Friday, July 3, 2009

2009 UCU Intra-University Moot Competition Results

This years winning team is Anamyire Justus, Sewali Alexandria and Ahimbisibwe Federiko.


Also, we recognise the excellent effort of the runner-up team, Matsiko Samuel, Bulungu John and Joan Muganga.

Thank you to all of the participants as well as the Lecturers and Staff of the Faculty for making this year's competition possible.

Also, special thanks to the Hon. Justice Joseph Muhangira and Dean Kenneth Starr for their service as panellists in the final round.