Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Incorrect E-mail Address (with Revised Dates)

Dear Competitors in the 2011 UCU Intra-University Moot.

Please note that the e-mail address listed in the Competition Rules is Incorrect:

If you have been unable to send your brief by e-mail to this point please send it to:


Sorry for this inconvenience. Late submissions of competitors who have been unable to submit their briefs will be accepted through Monday, the 30th of May.

An announcement regarding the teams that qualify for the oral rounds will be delayed until Friday the 3rd of June,

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Correction to Moot Problem

Please note that there is an error in the 2011 Intra-University Moot Problem.

It appears in the third paragraph of the section entitled "Special Rules Regarding Educational Providers Associated with Militant Religious Bodies."
The erroneous text reads:

Nothing in this act shall empower the government of Uganda to prohibit the banning of any canonical religious texts such as the Koran and the Bible. However, particularly odious portions of canonical religious texts may be banned from inclusion in religious or educational instruction.

The text should read:

Nothing in this act shall empower the government of Uganda to prohibit or ban any canonical religious texts such as the Koran and the Bible. However, particularly odious portions of canonical religious texts may be banned from inclusion in religious or educational instruction.

Please make a note of this correction.