A team from Uganda Christian University preformed very well in the 13th Annual M.M. Singhvi International Moot Court Competition in Jodhpur, India. (Rajastan)
The UCU team was comprised of Ruhombora Sarah, Byamugisha Moses and Mercy Grace Kisinza.
The Competition was hosted by National Law University (Jodhpur)
The UCU team wrote the highest scoring single memorial in the competition and had the second highest composite score for its two memorial submissions. This is a significant accomplishment given the fact that the competition featured 48 teams, including teams from as far away as the United States and Australia.
In the oral rounds the team had the 3rd highest score among all competitors after the first two rounds.
The team advanced to the Octagon round and failed to advance to the semi-final round based on comparative scoring differentials.
All in all the team should be congratulated for an excellent effort and a great showing for Uganda Christian University at the International level.
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